Phil is not the elder statesmen of his generation. He could have been, but his ego and trashy demeanor prevent him from being anything more than a beer gutted, blown voice, has-been, one generation removed from Deliverance.
We all say (and do) dumb shit from time to time, but Nazi symbolism and hate speech on a stage at a charity benefit? Monumental atomic mitt. Phil deserves to be severely beaten (in the press).
Enter the windbag known as Rob Flynn, the vocalist of Machine Head. Thanks for giving us 11 minutes of justification hate babble on youtube. I felt like I was listening to my Grandpap tell me why water is wet. Of course we are all outraged, Rob. Go sing a song.
Enter Rita, who's only claim to fame is dating Darrell Abbott, (AKA, the woman Dimebag wouldn't marry). Rita opens her lips about Rob being on a soapbox and says (in a not-so eloquent way) that Rob was just as bad as Anselmo. Thanks for the weigh in, Rita. Who in the hell are you again? Did she just name drop Doug Pinnick? Wow.
Enter Sebastian Bach. Seriously? Does anyone give an actual damn about what Seb thinks about it? He believes we all should be more outraged because he is outraged. Like, yeah dude, far out.
Enter every other d-list celebrity opinion and click bait headline. Yawn.
Rob, Seb and anyone else who feels the need to tell us why Phil is a racist, we already know... Save your breath. His actions speak louder than your words.
The saddest part is still the arrogance and ignorance of Anselmo's actions, without a doubt. He is owning it, but to say the "mighty hath fallen" is an understatement. The rest is just fun to watch. What a bunch of self absorbed clowns. Every one of them.
According to (the hugely unreliable) celebrity net worth, Phil is still worth around 8 million USD. Maybe some high profile charity work is in order? Press pictures of Phil cleaning oil soaked seagulls next to Harry Connick JR on some rocky beach in NOLA? He is going to need some good PR and this will still haunt him forever.
We should always demand more from our celebrities. We should hold them to a high standard. They chose to be in a position of higher profile, and with that comes some social responsibility. We pay them to entertain us. In this case, "me too" mud slinging is all we are getting at best, and bigotry at it's worst. I say to them all: "go home, you're drunk."
Thus concludes my own self absorbed babble for this early morning. My insomnia descends the shades of night, and leaves me in a morning mood. Please enjoy some Greig: