Tuesday, February 21, 2012

10-3/4 "Giving Up" Songs - Lent 2012

At my Grandparents house, Easter was THE big holiday. New clothes, big dinner, baskets of chocolate, church, stations of the cross, redemption....the whole deal. Now that I am older I understand why. Without Easter, there is no Christianity. They were devout Roman Catholics, as were the majority of Erie-ites at one time, and that is how it was.

Lent is somewhat fascinating to me. The 40 (or so) Days before Easter traditionally spent fasting that somehow got diluted into "sacrificing" luxuries or bad habits. I actually know a guy in his 50's who still gives up sweets every year for Lent. If St. Peter (or P-Siddy as I like to call him) is teetering when my friend is standing at the pearly gates, he may need to pull that candy card to weigh a certain decision in his favor.

Oh yeah, with lent comes the bad jokes as well:
"I am giving up Lent for Lent"
"I gave up procrastinating, but then I figured, maybe next year"
"I am giving up work for Lent"
and so on.....

Living in Pittsburgh, Lent means really big fish sandwiches on Friday.

If and How you celebrate it really depends on your beliefs, and I am not one to talk too much religion with anyone. I do fear that we are rapidly loosing our traditions though. I was talking with my mother the other day about Catholicism, and I said that if I ever do get back into organized religion, I would seriously consider Catholicism once again, as I like to root for the underdog. There is also something to all that tradition that is appealing to me.

What a self inflicted beating the Catholic Church has taken. Scandal after scandal, it becomes more obvious that the world has changed. Personal opinion: restraining from procreation is a dumb rule. Keep some traditions and bail on the ones that don't work. I am sure that will never happen, under the current Roman Pontiff, the Catholic Church is headed backwards and becoming more conservative.

The Catholic Church has held power of some sort and been around for a long time. Who knows, there may again come a time when Catholic Church is attended by the masses (no pun intended). Until then the parishioner numbers continue to dwindle, and that is not just a catholic problem. All I know is that a few miles away from my house, I can attend a concert at an old church, then walk down the road and shop for furniture at another, and afterward drive a mile to swill at the Church Brew Works. The city is littered with empty schools, churches and convents as the Catholic Dioceese and other religious groups continue to consolidate congregations. It's sad really.

Back to Lent. This year my family and I are taking Fat Tuesday pretty seriously as everybody is feeling fat. So 2012 Lent is a time of giving up some of the bad eating habits of the winter, which feels right to me, probably due to my catholic upbringing, or maybe just because I am getting fat... Either way it's all good.

Here is my playlist to start the Lenten season (in no real particular order):

#10. Tom Petty - Don't Come Around Here No More
C'mon, you see the connection, right? I'm giving up - stop....

Tom nails it with this song. Alice in Wonderland costumes, Eastern influenced guitar and a tempo change worthy of rocking stadiums. TP & the Heartbreakers at their post 1979 peak.

#9. Led Zeppelin - I Can't Quit You Babe
True to the season, Mr. Plant instead opts to "put you down for a little while".

8. Chuck Berry - My Ding-a-Ling
It is hard to believe that there was a time when this could be a Billboard #1 hit, but in 1972, it was.

Seriously dudes, Lent is a perfect time to stop.

7: Bob Seger - Tryin' to Live My Life Without You
The lyrics are all about giving up bad habits, I am just taking some liberties and assuming he gave them up for Lent.

This post in no way means that I am loosening up on my hatred for classic rock radio. My bro-seph turned me on to Seger when we were teenagers, so go sit on it Potsy.

#6-1/2: Bugs Bunny & Elmer Fudd - Wabbit Of Seville
Are you paying attention? Good..... Bugs and Elmer should really stop fighting...

#6: Vampire Weekend - Giving up the Gun.
What a great idea... Giving up the gun for Lent. This is always at the top of my list too.

Somehow I think that these guys would immediately shit themselves if they ever saw a gun. Oh well.

#5: Eric Clapton - Cocaine
Give up the blow for Lent, people. The world thanks you in advance.

#4-1/4: R2D2 and C3PO: Smoking PSA
Actually, R2D2 didn't officially give up smoking until 2002. When filming Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, R2D2's handlers found that years of closet and social smoking was messing with the Brooks Propulsion Devices used for his new found ability to fly (despite 4 movies without this feature including 3 technical "sequels"). There was some fear that the weight he would put on from quitting would also impede his flying, but they were able to cover up the mistakes with CGI. Nerd Alert!

#3: Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Gambling Problems? Call 1-877-565-2112

#2: Dio - I Speed at Night
Seriously need to quit this. My night vision is not what it used to be.

#1: Loretta Lynn - Don't Come Home A Drinkin'
I don't know about Y'all, but I recon I am not the only with this here problem. I swear I have to tell this to my wife till the cows come home. I says, Angi, don't come home a drinkin' with lovin' on yer mind.

Lent is the perfect time to be a quittin' this here habit.

And there you have it. 10-3/4 videos that have nothing to do with Lent. The Easter list should be fun. I am seriously considering giving up sweets this year! I will let you all know how that goes.
Crack is whack, Nerds rule!

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