Tuesday, September 15, 2015

3-1/2 years of Blog.

I write my scribblings because I'm driven to do it. Other then social media, I don't really advertise it or spend a bunch of time promoting it, mostly because I don't do it for any self serving purpose other than to write.

I add a little about me in each one, but again, I don't expect anyone to really take much from it, except maybe the knowledge that I'm passionate about Music and Writing.

I write about music because I'm full of useless information. It's the form of art that speaks to me most, and I tend to be a little OCD about what I like.

It always surprises me when people reach out and interact with me about something I've written. If you are one of them, thank you. It means a lot to know that people actually do read the words I write, and are kind enough to say so.

In truth, the last 3 years of writing has yielded over 8000 page views, and I assume not all of the views are from my kin. So I say thank you if you are someone who actually reads or has read this little blog, either by accident or on purpose.

As far as the content goes. I choose to lean toward classic rock and classic Metal for a reason. Today's music fan has the ability to tear apart everything from their basement or apartment with little regard to the person they are attacking. I've been on the wrong side of that a time or two, and I have nothing to add to that conversation. I've had classic Metal fans bash me pretty hard, so it's not exclusive to the current wave, but I am not a glutton for punishment. I leave that arena to the people that feed on negativity. 

I am not against criticism, but I don't actively seek bad vibes over some words written on the Internet. Writing about current metal trends tend to lead into that sinkhole.

Besides that, writing about music history soothes my old soul. Classic Metal and Rock is important for many reasons. With today's music business being so funneled, a lot of what I write about is a look into a time before downloading bankrupted record companies.

I also still think there is something cool about a loud distorted guitar NOT playing at breakneck speeds. Keep in mind that my own shitty playing is Thrash oriented, so I can say that and not have it be a diss on shredder guitar players. In fact, I love Metal in 2015 just as much as I loved Metal in 1987, and for the same exact reasons. It's mine. Shredding guitar is like Bob Dylan to me (kudos to you if you get that reference). Just like any good metalhead, I'm not growing out of it. Sometimes I may even write about it. 

I also dive into Star Wars and other stuff when it feels right to do so, again it's about writing just as much as telling a story. The best stories write themselves, and my muses can be any number of things.

In conclusion, I'll keep writing, please keep reading, but most of all, thank you.


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