Saturday, October 14, 2017

A window may be better than a door.

It's Saturday morning. I am having a lazy Saturday thus far, which feels rewarding given the amount of pressure I tend to lay at my own feet. Unwound, drama free, relaxing morning. Celebrate with a little writing? Why not?

I am marathon watching Anthony Bordain, and really enjoying the narrative nature of his foodsie travel vlog. He sells himself as a drunkard, in truth he is a scholar.

Shows like this give us a window into other cultures, emphasising tradition with a lesson into modern flare of the subject matter (for the span of 44 minutes). I love shit like this. Always have. It's a peek into something I may never experience abroad, but also serves as a reminder as to why I enjoy domestic travel.

For instance, last week I was very fortunate to go on a walkabout into a small South Carolina city just outside of Charlotte, taking in the local culture, past and modern, to a larger degree than I typically have opportunity to do. Like Bordain, I am always attracted to nightlife, however I tend to stay away from heavy party atmosphere. I'd rather sit at a large oak bar sharing war stories with disposable friends than feeling awkward standing in a crowd of people half my age. I live my adventures during the day these days, and despite my physical therapy appointments due to daytime fun injuries, I believe a day in the life is better on the limbs than nightlife. 

Bordain reaffirms something I have come to  realize, that people are basically the same regardless of the location. There are always some that choose to view you as an outsider, but they are basically the same people that hate everything. Misery loves misery, and assholes pucker together. Universal truths unaffected by geography... Word. The good people of this world are unabashedly kind and generous. If a short term parachute into a strange environment is all that it sought, then guides aplenty surface to show you around.

Today I miss my son, but I know that I'll see him tonight, so peeling myself away from the TV to complete some outdoor chores will be good for the spirit. I am looking forward to an evening of music with my son. Some great times are had at the local biker pub, albeit a little strange to be accepted in that environment, as it is a bit strange to me to walk in at all. But, a head held high and a good non-threatening posture communicates to others: you want no trouble.

Here's to a good Saturday.


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