Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kanye matters... Just ask him.

Ever wonder what Kanye looked like in High School? You know, back before he was the almighty defender of "artistry?"

First: you should have been pissed about Tenacious-D winning the Heavy Metal Grammy, that would have been legit and totally stage storm-able.

Second: if I were Jay Z, I'd have my driver fire up my limo and take my publicist assistant straight to your publicists office. After a lenghthy and strongly worded talk with her assistant's secretary, they would set up a time to tweet about your strange desire to defend my wife. Maybe over tennis at the club?

Seriously dude, she doesn't need your validation. If you're so concerned about artistry, you should explore other avenues than the biggest selling female recording artist of all time, douche.

For the record, no one listens to Beck. He's not even interesting enough to have won an elder statesmen status where wanna be hipsters claim they love him, yet never listen to him (like Elvis Costello or Black Flag), but you can't say he is not an artist. Beck may actually may be the only example of artistry at that entire shit show. 

Yet still, seeing you standing next to Beck on stage at the Grammys looked funny, I kinda wish you would have artistically slapped him. Then we would have something to laugh about.

And Beyoncé? Well, she has about as much relevance to artistry as Beck has to fashion. She is a vocalist and a dancer. She maintains an image and is paid well for it, but most of her art is created by others. She is a "recording artist," and at that she is gifted. She is also a mouthpiece for woman's rights, but songwriting, producing, arrangements, no.

Maybe there is an art to being a commercial diva, I'm just not sure what it is.

Let's not confuse one with the other. 



PS: One last thing, whats a brother gotta do to get Taylor Swift to add him to that long list she's singing about? Oh wait, you wouldn't know. Never mind. Tell North I said "what's up," and if he answers "North," he's wrong, but give him a cookie for pondering geography and philosophy.

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