Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dying Gods, coming into Human Flesh

It's inevitable, heroes get old. They get sick, retire and eventually walk that Stairway to Heaven just like the rest of us.

Black Sabbath have announced their final tour due to Iommi's health issues, Lemmy stopped a Motörhead show recently because he couldn't play, again due to health issues, Halford basically lost his ability to move, a factor in JP retiring from touring, and the list goes on.

Not every rocker gets to go down in a blaze of glory. I believe that none of them really want that anyway. It's human nature to idolize and make martyrs of the talented individuals that are taken too soon. Randy Rhoades, Dimebag, Bonzo, Bon Scott and countless others are perfect examples of rock and roll martyrs, and rightfully so, but more often our heroes get to die AFTER they get old, which is how it should be.

I'm afraid that we are on the cusp of seeing this first hand in a big way, but in an effort to stay out of morbid territory topically, I'd like to not get into the mud of all that. Rather, maybe celebrate a few timeless icons who still bring it even though traditional thinking says they should be in recliners and house shoes, reading the funnies on a Tuesday afternoon.

Paul McCartney: 73, may have been more active in the last 5 years then he has been in the prior 30, and absolutely still bringing it live! He pulls out all eras of his career in celebration, and he actually still writes and records!

Iggy Pop: 68, and still in freakishly good shape. The Stooges have been touring frequently since reuniting in 2004 (after a 30 year hiatus), and Iggy is still crazy as ever, complete with stage diving.

Steven Tyler: 67, and starting a country career. He still sounds great, and still performs his ass off. In a way, his little beard makes him look less like a freakish grandmother, which is a very good thing.

Mick Jagger: 72, still touring, still doing the funky chicken, still tasting that sweet brown sugar night after night. You go Mick.

Keith Richards: 71, Keith looks like an extra on The Walking Dead, yet he still makes headlines. He shouldn't talk shit about Metal (recently dissing' Black Sabbath and Metallica as "jokes"), but he's 40 years out of touch, so we give him a pass.

Bruce Springsteen: 65, and not only still playing, he stays in touch with music beneath him (cue the Gasslight Anthem). Bruce is a worker, and I doubt he'll ever stop.

Alice Cooper: 67, has publicly stated that he won't consider retirement until Mick Jagger retires, and then he has another 10 years to go. Opening for the Crüe this year is a classy move, proving humility exists. 

The legends do what they do best, and are rewarded for it. There are countless other examples (I want to be as young as Rick Springfield when I'm 66), but maybe another blog on another day.

Drink plenty of water.


1 comment:

  1. Right On ! You look youthful as ever as to your articles they're the best every time . I know more will keep rocking !
