Thursday, January 19, 2017

Its not about the destination, in two parts.

It’s about the Journey.

Part 1: Rock and Roll HoF:
It may be me, but it seems as though the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has been spending a ton of time trying to at least give a nod to actual popular music associated with the title "Rock and Roll." It's good they are doing so, as enough people have called BS. It really was time for them to get some of it right.

I am not saying the Hall is on perfections road. It's far from it, but a band with the cred of Journey is (and always has been) a no brainer for induction. Consider Journey has been eligible since 2000 (1st LP released in 1975). The hall has snubbed this band for almost 2 decades. I may not be the biggest Journey fan, but a snub of that magnitude is a testament to rock snobbery and elitism that still lingers on the board of directors. As hip as the Fricke crowd wants to always appear, they have had to conform to actual sales and popularity just to keep from becoming too dayum irrelevant. Hence the reason why Journey and Yes are 2017 inductees.

I am of an ilk that believes in natural progression. I understand Punk and New-Wave are more hip than Corporate Rock, but, as a fan, a musician, and an intelligent human being, I also know exactly where the mass appeal of Journey derives. They are just as important (maybe even more so) than some underground NYC songwriter who may have influenced Bad Brains and Buster Poindexter. I am also of the opinion that the hall should spend less time honoring dance music, and a little more time on bands that developed from the same influences as the Springsteen and Zeppelin. Why not induct Judas Priest, Maiden, or Motley Crue? Any one of them can justify their merit on LP sales alone.

I am biased, and I digress.

I have said it for years, Journey's "Greatest Hits" may be the perfect Rock/Pop LP. What an American thing to think, I know. I can't help it, I am, after all, American. Also, Neil Schon (Journey's virtuoso guitar Demi-God) is maybe the most tasteful lead player of any generation. Every note on his leads are stadium ready memorable. As I age, my opinions become less relevant, but these two facts are so ingrained in my DNA. I will old man fight you for questioning them. Word.

Today, Journey moves on and tours like there is no tomorrow. Their appeal still is completely understandable. They are not hard to escape to, which is the point. Not all music has to be art-school babble. Sometimes, people want catchy. Elvis wasn't Wagner. Rock and Roll is simple. I give the Hall an attaboy for getting something right (again). 

Congrats Guys!!! It's about time.

Part 2: Most Epic Video Ever

Separate Ways
I fear I may actually dance like the guys from Journey in this video. I have a few other random points of satire:
  • These guys are from California, yes? They look like snow cows fresh from Western PA
  • Choreography was not yet a priority in video making at the time. I believe the director basically said "Ok dudes, get close together and dance, try to look tough."
  • Drummer guy was still hoping the "Doobie Brother look" was coming back in. 
  • Steve Perry almost falls over at 1:56. Punching a wall in Mom Jeans sets me off kilter too.
  • The girl in the Bowie doo....
  • I kinda dress like the keyboard guy (he needs a hoodie under his sport coat)
  • This horrible video cant make Neil uncool. He shreds.
Sometimes I just cant help but let the sarcasm flow. I'd love to be anywhere close to as talented as any of these guys.
Be good to yourself.

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