I'm getting jazzed for The Last Jedi. I can't help but get sucked into the hype, but I'm starting to worry about some of the trailer info and fan theroies.
There is a part of me that likes the idea of a new plot twist concerning Luke turning to the Dark Side (as so many interpretation nods from the trailer seem to suggest), but there is a much larger, almost sacred part of my soul that is screaming out... NOOOOOOO!
I am 42, almost 43, which means that I was 2 (or 3) in 1977. Therefore, Star Wars is not about Prequels, it's not about Clone Wars, and it's not about Anakin bringing balance to the force. It is a story of Luke's journey from simple farmboy roots into the last Jedi. All of the drama of discovery, loss, family, and redemption serve as his pallet. He is the definitive hero of Star Wars.
My issue with what has been created since has little to do with how Lucas tried to turn the whole mess into Anakin's story. That could have been great. The biggest issues with the prequels are the blatant disregard of clean tie ins. It's forced, and horribly so in the worst cases. A close second is the cartoonish CGI. I have always thought the CGI in the prequels were bad, and I was proven right by time. Bad bad bad. Control Alt Delete please.
Enough about that. Disney has done a decent job (so far) with continuity, not really spending much effort on anything prequel related (save the pretty good SW Rebels cartoon). They do need to advance the storyline, and The Force Awakens did a really good job of bringing us back to basic good versus evil. However there is a lot of internet chatter about Luke turning to the Dark Side, and if that happens, a piece of my childhood turns with him.
In all of the countless hours of action figure battles, Luke was the hero. Always. I will admit, turning "heel" works for different reasons at different times for many a laxidasic character, but we have only seen 5 seconds of Luke in this generation. I am hopeful he is Yoda, not Dooku.
In conclusion, it probably dosent matter, as life will go on either way. This next generation of Star Wars fans deserve something great like I had. If that means Rey is the hero, and Luke turns heel, as long as it's tastefully done, do it. Given the concense decision to closely follow the original trilogy, it would make sense to have the father figure turn bad. I expect it to be a bit dark, like Empire.
And now I am hungry. May the forks be with me.