Sunday, October 15, 2017

20 GOTO 10

I am on a roll, writing everyday, and enjoying the shite out of it. Idle hands doing the devils work? Maybe, but it feels good to be expressive again, so phuck it. No "processing" needed. Now there is a term I really hate. "I'm still processing" is a ridiculous statement designed to deflect, and should only be used by data entry clerks and actuaries actually working.

However, the one exception could possibly be "processing" a challenging work of art. The senses usually know if something is palatable to your tastes, but every now and then your senses NEED challenged to achieve personal growth.

Think of it like this: we all know that one guy who has had the same hair style since his heyday. I'm not talking about a timeless doo, more like an uncomfortable lack of sideburns and rounded over the ears cut. This person still rocks the same tunes, quotes the same movies, and brags about the same stuff as he did 25 years ago. He resists modernizing, probably out of fear of rejection. You know him: he'll be rocking Jean shorts, white sneakers and t-shirt (a size or two small) on the weekend, probably living in the same house and cutting the same grass as he always has.

Yet his mind, unquestionably needs stimulation on a rudimentary level. The same guy listed above could, for instance, follow simple changes in his chosen genre to feel current in some way. He grew up loving New Kids on the Block, now he is into One Direction. It's not that far of a stretch, really. A simple change is all that is needed to fill that void. Pop culture understands this, hence the reason we have not really moved to far forward in regards to entertainment or fashion in 30 years.

I wish I had the simplicity of this problem. I seek out more than simple 5 chord songs for inspiration. My sons are the same way (sorry guys). I need challenged every once and awhile. I need to process in order to really appreciate a great work of art.

2 examples that took a minute to really enjoy are my beloved Opeth and my man crush on Punch Brothers. The reactions to both were similar. I heard a song, and by the time I was finished listening, I was inclined to listen again, unsure if what I just heard was genius or rubbish. I processed, data crunched, and equated that I would forever be a fan boy of both. And, as true artists tend to do, they have both challenged me on many levels since.

Opeth: Bleak
Punch Brothers: Movement and Location

It's not just music that challenges my senses. I know I may not be everyones cup of tea stylistically, and I don't care. I am blessed, however to have a sister who is a very accomplished Hair Stylist, catering to people seeking a modern flair. At least once a year I can go sit next to her and say, give me something current. Hence the #1 to #2 fade with the hard part, which is my 2017. That way, I leave the processing up to the beholder. I don't have to think at all about it.

Also, when people try to call me GQ (which is ridiculous and laughable), I correct them and say "Nordstrom," which is more accurate. I am, after all, white collar, and care about my brand. I think chicks dig it, so I'm good with it.

In conclusion, it's probably not good to use the term "I'm still processing" in everyday speech, unless your talking about the Metallica/Lou Reed L.P. "LuLu," or answering the question "Can 2017 Lorde really still speak to the working class even though she is rich and famous, kinda the way Springsteen does, and if not, who the hell does she think she is anyway?"

Process that.


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