Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy 20th!! (1995's version of KISS). Yes, another dumb KISS blog.

I really don't mean to constantly dip into "Kisstory." It seems like a lot of time this year has been dedicated to the topic. It's not intentional other than I do find KISS to be fascinating and somewhat bulletproof.

It was Tuesday, October 31st 1995. MTV scheduled a monumental "Unplugged" featuring KISS. It was set to air at 8:00 PM eastern that chilly Halloween night.

It was well publicized that KISS brought the original members of the band up on stage for a couple of songs earlier that year, and I was ecstatic to actually see the reunion unfold on television. The rumor mills were buzzing with anticipation. 

My then wife and I planned a party to celebrate the occasion. I'm sure this party equated to nails on a chalkboard for her as she didn't really like KISS, but she allowed me to fill up the fridge with Carling Black Label and invite a few friends over.

The spirit of Halloween had me in its sights that night. I tried to dress up my 1 year old son ('Sup Mocha!) for the festivities. That didn't fly well with Angi-management. He ended up being a pumpkin.

My friends came over. Beers were guzzled. A plate glass door got smashed. Good times were was had by all. I was only 20 at the time and even though that type of behavior was unacceptable with a young family in tow, it happened and we all survived.

It's seems odd that the reunion (and the party at my rented flat) happened 20 years ago. I am now the age that members of the band were when the Unplugged event aired on MTV.

KISS Unplugged led to a full on reunion that still goes on to this day (well, sorta). KISS had an album ready to go and ditched it for a nostalgic trip based on the demands of the fans.

But let's get really real here. KISS was playing acoustic shows at conventions at the time. That's a far cry from the stadiums of the '70's and even a step down from the hockey arenas of the 80's.

Nostalgia was pretty popular in 1995. The Eagles were touring on their Hell Freezes Over Tour and charging top dollar for tickets ($80 to $120 in 1994). Elton John + Billy Joel were doing the same. I'm sure Gene and Paul noticed. I can hear Paul saying "Now listen, I hear you 70's nostalgia people like paying big money for tickets?"

Seriously, this was a no brainier.

The album that was shelved, "Carnival of Souls," sounded like KISS meets Soundgarden. It was eventually released (with very little fanfare) and it's not bad. I can't imagine that KISS fans would have not seen through the blatant attempt of cashing in on a grunge sound. That crap worked for KISS in the 80's with hair metal and even a little bit with "Revenge." To completely take a left turn in 1995 would have been so bloody obvious that no one would have taken it seriously.

The better bet for the future of the band was to go backwards and cash in on what got them there in the first place. The bet payed off. 20 years later, KISS still tours with face paint and focused on '70's material. That's how fans like their KISS.

I like '80's KISS. There, I said it. 

Happy 20th Anniversary KISS Reunion! I'm not throwing another party and definitely not pushing another friend into a window. Those days are looooong gone.


Here is photographic proof at my attempt to dress up Mocha:

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