Monday, November 9, 2015

Danzig and the price of greatness.

It's safe to say Mr. Glenn Danzig has adapted to the digital age poorly. A once infallible Punk/Metal God turned human (via troll humor and pop shots). Phone pics of Glenn carrying cat litter from the store to his car sprout endless meme fodder and represents how loving his fan base can be.

It's still odd to see an icon in a real world situation. In his prime, Glenn had an element of danger and an aura of evil. The humbling of Danzig's image should not be taken lightly. Glenn Danzig carved out a career on his terms. He was a risk taker and should be celebrated for his drive and courage, not run down as a washed up cock rocker.

Glenn is not the muscle bound 30 year old seen taunting the metal landscape. He is 60, and does not hide it well. An image makeover at this stage is probably not even worth it. Today we get an older version of what we expect. Mr. Danzig will not change, even if he is dangerously close to becoming a parody. The trolls of the world like to pick on Danzig. It's normal to pick on leaders, it's flattery even if it's annoying.

In no way should Danzig be a punch line. He is truly an icon. 11 years ago, Glenn was famously knocked out by a fat guy from some no talent band (who didn't deserve to be on the same bill) over a stage time dispute. The incident was filmed and posted. Today, it has over 3 million views on YouTube.

The punch was a not a well timed blow from a professional fighter. It was a lucky, wild ass swing. 10 years later, the bastard that threw the punch has tried to make a career out of his brush with greatness. He wrote a book about it. His shit band tried to record a bunch of hate songs celebrating his slobbery. All of it is very pathetic. The video is not worth re-posting here.

Glenn has tried to blow it off and make excuses. He is not obligated to say a single word about it. Anyone who has seen the video can draw the same conclusion. It's a "who cares wins" moment. Unfortunately, neither side can escape it. In the case of the fat guy, it's his defining moment in life. How sad for him...

Danzig has more legendary cred than most rockers. He invented a genre (horror punk), founded two infamous underground bands (Misfits and Samhain) and made his own name infamous (Danzig). His music influenced countless artists.

I'm definitely biased. Misfits were great because of Glenn. His early songwriting was brilliant. His ability to change his style still blows my mind. Regardless of what he was working on, it was damn good and different from project to project.

Let's explore how different for a second:

Legendary, influential and campy. Misfits easily catch the ear.
"She" is a simple love song. The "short but sweet" nature of "She" speaks for itself. The song is a glimpse of future vocal prowess as well.
A less friendly version of his first band. Darker, more evil. Danzig was in a developmental stage. A very good friend of mine loves this band, and opened my eyes to them on a larger scale. It's still my least favorite part of Danzig's career, but I can appreciate it as growth in an artist's life.

Glenn Danzig and the Power and Fury Orchestra:
Pulled together for the "Less Than Zero" soundtrack, Glenn embraces his inner Elvis/Jim Morrison for this one-off.

If you are fan of the genre, Danzig needs no introduction.
I was pleasantly surprised to hear "How the Gods Kill" featured in an episode of "The Following" recently. A great payday for Danzig, I'm sure. It's not his most popular (Mother), but a dark reminder of his greatness.
Black Aria:
Danzig goes classical. The LP debuted at #1 on the Billboard Classical Chart in 1992.

Songwriter Cred:
According to legend, Glenn wrote the song "13" for Johnny Cash in 10 minutes. Jon heard it and knew it was perfect. Glen has also written for Roy Orbison.

Glenn has also dabbled in Industrial music during his life.

Glenn founded "Verotic," a graphic novel company that deals in horror themed adult storytelling.  

Respect is deserved. To be unafraid and work to achieve greatness is how we all should live life.



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