Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dead and Bloated.

Horrible title, right? Seriously, lighten up. I didn't write the song, Scott Weiland did, and the irony of the lyrics today... Well, nuff said.

Stone Temple Pilots is one of those bands that have mass appeal to several music classes. I have a Slayer/Overkill loving friend that played creep on his acoustic back in the 90's. I personally had a vocal obsession with Interstate Love Song for many years. People love their material whether they admit it or not. It's the best Dad Rock out there.  

STP was lumped in with the grudge movement originally, yet had no roots in Seattle. They outlasted the trend and propelled to greater heights than their peers of the early '90's music scene. Their heavy rock, guitar driven, palatable songs (so damn catchy) kept them relevant longer than so many other bands of the era. 

STP has a special place in my heart. I had kids early, and stopped going to live shows for a period of about 4 years. STP playing at the Erie Civic Center in 1998 broke the dry streak in a big way.

It wasnt the first concert I would have chosen to see. I'm glad I did. They reignited my love for live music. It was a great show, and a very fond memory. Cheap Trick was the opening band, which today I realize was an awesome move for STP. To take them out after Cheap Tricks' prime showed respect for  influences.

I saw STP again in 2010 at Cleveland's Tower City amphitheater. Cage the Elephant was the opener, and arguably blew STP off the stage. A few days later the Internet was abuzz with footage of Scott Weiland lip syncing at a show the following night. Scott had been publicly struggling with child custody, wife separation, drug addiction and various other battles. This was post Velvelt Revolver.

It was definitely the mighty falling. Scott Weiland was the definition of "Rock Star." 

I remember hearing one of the guys from the Doors say that Scott Weiland was the right person to fill Jim Morrison's leather pants. A statement ringing very true this week. Scott couldn't beat his demons. I believe that the age of 48 is probably too long to be hanging around as a drug addict. 30 years of on and off abuse is a long time to grace this earth. Addiction is a killing time bomb. Death eluded this man for many years.

To be fair, I don't know for sure that drugs killed Scott. I'm assuming (just like everyone today). 

Scott left a legacy that really stops and starts with STP. Velvet Revolver is a footnote (maybe just an "eh"?). Scott was a vocalist that adapted to the song. STP was something special.

Rest in peace Scott.


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