Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dreaming of what????

This morning I woke up with a crazy dream still fresh in my head. I knew immediately I would write this blog tonight and share the strangeness with my readers.

I was playing bass for Rush. I'm not sure why, or how I landed the gig, but Geddy needed me to play. He was there singing, but I was playing bass in front of a crowd of thousands at an outdoor daytime concert.

Sounds cool, right? Well, unfortunately in this dream, I was about as good at playing bass as I really am, which is rudimentary at best. I sucked, was underprepared and just blew it. The volume on my rig was eventually turned down and I was left feeling ashamed facing the ridicule of a rabid nerd crowd. 

The guys in the band told me after the gig that I was ok, and I was welcome to return. I knew that I didn't work hard enough to be on stage but realized that this nightmare of being outclassed wouldn't end until I got busy and actually learned the songs. Right before I woke up I was arranging lessons from my son, Mocha, to try to get up to speed.

I awoke in bed wondering what the hell caused me to dream of playing for Rush. I dig Rush, but no one could accuse me of being a superfan. They're not even in my top 10 favorite bands. My son loves them. I have friends and peers that love them. I've seen Rush live 5 times, but I'm not a Rush nerd.

The takeaway I took from the dream was to snap out of an obvious work rut. I burn out like anyone, and coming off of a vacation week was making me drag ass hardcore. I have things that shouldn't be sitting needing to get done, and I was procrastinating.

To be fair, a family week can be pretty exhausting in its own right. First off, it's 400 miles one way. My family consists of my 2 sons, my 4 sisters, 1 brother, 11 nieces and nephews, 2 grand nephews, 3 brother in laws, my parents and various other players. Not all were present, but even in partial form it's a lot to take in. On top of that, on my return home Saturday, I immediately got to decorating the VA crib alongside Lisa, which is big business for the neighborhood we live in. Following that, we cooked a delayed Thanksgiving dinner with the peeps here on Sunday. By Monday morning I was spent...

Even though time off is supposed to be refreshing, the next 3 days were less than productive. I was not working up to the standard that was absolutely required given the years end and pressure upon me. 

The Rush dream snapped me out of the funk. I am grateful for it. It gave me back a little focus. My job is a stage I can stand on with confidence and I shouldn't take it for granted. Geddy Lee wouldn't exactly be great at what I do. We are both salesmen in our own right. We both have talents. I have no doubt that Geddy could sell the same products I do, just not without practice and some knowledge.

Still, the dream has me scratching my head in amusement. In what alternate universe would Rush hire me to even carry a Bass, let alone play one? 

Maybe Geddy dreamt of selling conveyor products and services last night?

Geddy, let's make a deal. You stay away from my job, and I'll stay off of your stage. We will both be better for it.


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