Friday, October 7, 2016

Scooby-Dad and the Guitar Wax Box

I received a list of items deemed "non-restorable" by the company handling the fire clean-up. Some things are silly things, other things are less so, all of it is replaceable, so NBD.

However, on this list, buried 35 lines down on page 4, a mystery item appears: Guitar Wax Box. What in the seven rings is a guitar wax box?

Now, I'm aware guitar wax is a thing, and it's safe to assume it comes in a box of some sort, but I don't purchase Guitar Wax, my son has no clue what it is, and why would anyone outside an OCD professional waste time or money on such an item?

This had me perplexed, so I checked the Google box for more info: 

Plenty of Guitar Wax, right? Free Shipping!!!!!! Hell yes, but it comes in a bottle or can. Neither Mocha or I actually use any guitar wax, so why is it listed here on this sheet?

Now I'm bummed. I want my guitar wax box back so I can unravel this mystery. I'd very much like to say things like "Zoinks!" and pull the mask off the Guitar Wax Box to reveal Don Knots screwing with me. Maybe I just don't remember buying Guitar Wax, but if this is just a box the said wax product came in, then it’s safe to assume I bought it, took it out of the box, misplaced it, and left the box out to be non-restorable in a chicken fire? Too many random acts for me. Strange things are afoot at the Casa Nago.

In an unrelated story, yesterday, my buddy at work told me he was going to hire a camera crew to follow me around. He thinks the chicken fire episode would do well in his imaginary Nelson ratings. I had to remind him that the last time we hung out, he damn near lost an eyebrow from falling (Nestea Plunge) into the key hook board at the valet outside of Nakama. This was after the Budos Band tore up the Rex Theater in Pittsburgh last year. According to him, it was still my fault, because he was hanging around with me. That's right, the DD who ended up at UPMC getting a friend’s eyebrow sewn back on, after god knows how many pollutants said friend ingested, was to blame. I guess I do live an interesting life. Bring on the camera crew (but not all the time, I like to introvert on occasion).

Standing down.


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