Saturday, May 12, 2012

The meek shall inherit the earth....Big Time.

Hate is a strong word.....I hate your group.

In searching for tickets to see Rush recently, I was annoyingly re-directed to a group called Big Time Rush on more than one ticket search engine. I was shocked to see that this flavor of the millisecond group existed, but even more shocked to see that they were selling out arenas. That's right, arenas.

Far be it from me to deprive teenage girls of their poster fodder, but in the back of my head I am thinking that for every 12 year old girl screaming bloody hell for some fantasy figure in her pinkest dream, there is probably some shitty AC/DC fan guy standing next to her. This dude is ready to deny that he was there with his crazy daughter, BUT he is a hella "dad of the year" for stomaching a torture worse than water boarding.

Best part: Floor seats are $65.00 before service fees. Poor bastard, shelling out at least $150.00 for that crap. Worse yet, he probably has to buy a t-shirt, a snap bracelet, and a hoodie on his way out, not to mention ice cream afterward. He might as well take $250.00 and light it on fire, because his lovely daughter will be into goth next year.

Big Time Rush.... That is some funny shit. Had I actually kept up with every "boy band" since NKOTB, I would take the 2 days I would need to list them all on a 30 page blog. However, I can't even begin to know much about that trend at all. Sure, there are the survivors: Mark Wahlberg and Justin Timberlake (no problem finding careers after boy band roots), but the vast majority of these dudes end up on smack after their short 10 seconds of fame, so why bother learning their names?

We are all guilty of liking some crap at one time or another (I had a White Lion T-Shirt when I was 14), but this pre-packaged Nickelodeon stuff totally escapes me, save Yo Gabba Gabba ('cause I dig that show).

In case you were wondering, I successfully scored Rush tickets (Section 101, Row Q, Seats 1 and 2).

So I leave you with some classic Rush:

The nerd is, the nerd is - Love and life are deep
Maybe as his skies are wide

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