Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Vinnie Vincent?

Ok... here we go again. Discussing another legendary metal guitar dude AND Kiss. Two turds, one stone?

Vinnie Vincent is a regular insane musician, who's rise to international fame crashed after he showed his ass to Kiss, re-rose with the horribly underrated Vinnie Vincent Invasion (which morphed into Slaughter without him), and kinda had a tri-fecta when he reemerged to write some bad ass jams for (none other than) Kiss on there massive 1992 L.P. "Revenge." The latter story is probably the most untold, but somehow he reconciled with Gene long enough to write some heavy stuff, then he once again showed his ass and was cut off entirely.

Rumors about cross dressing emerged, he was arrested for domestic abuse, lost a bankruptcy case, and fell into obscurity.

I remember hearing he showed up to a convention dressed in his Kiss persona makeup, but I don't really care to research when that was. The point is that he has once again reared his crazy head to announce he will be appearing at a Kiss convention in Atlanta next year. The announcement of this appearance came with a press release that the convention strongly "negotiated" for him to appear.

Conventions of all sorts are very common today. I have been to a horror convention myself, and met several "D" list celebrities attached to the spooky film genre. Each year I see the advertisements for Comic Con, and am always amused by the cast of former (and sometimes current) celebrities. I have wondered many times how much these people get paid for these appearances. Is it a 6 figure thing?

With this in mind, I assume a large amount of the artists revenue comes from $25 dollar photo ops, and if that is the case, Vinnie is a big draw. Consider, if the photo is only $25, and 500 people want one, $12,500.00. If 1000 people show up to meet him? You get the idea? Also, the convention will probably pay him to be there, and that rate was probably 5 figures, plus travel, plus Per Diem, and probably a rider.

I wonder if he will find a way to fuck it up?

That is all.


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