Monday, September 16, 2013

A.D.H.D. and the Beatles, Part III

I am headed to the airport soon, but instead of thinking about what I need to pack, I am thinking about John Lennon's song "In My Life". So I am taking 5 to jot my thoughts down.

A few years ago, I saw the hand written lyrics to this song hanging on the wall at the Rock and Roll HoF, and I welled up. Yup, I got all emotional.

The words are poetry to me, and my interpretation of his words hit hard. For me, the song is about old stomping grounds and old relationships, and how they are both wonderful things. It's ok to reflect and save your treasures from the past, even though today, you love what you have more.

Funny thing about Love, it doesn't ask permission, and typically doesn't apologize.

I get that.

John lived that.

RIP (you socialist bastard).... Oh, don't get all twisted up about that statement, both are essentially true, and you know it. I love John and it's my blog, so I say what I want, kinda like John did.

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be, there's a NAGO hanging over me.

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