Saturday, September 14, 2013

Jane's Fantasy

Ok... This has bothered me for years. Why the hell does Aldo Nova's "Fanatsy" sound so much like like Jefferson Starship's "Jane"?

Was there a lawsuit?
Were they collaborators?
Is Aldo Nova even relevant enough to care about this? (I think so).

What would a Blog by Nago be without a history lesson? Let me start from the beginning.

In 1987-ish, my mother briefly dated a guy from DuBois. This dude had a red-headed daughter. She was tall, beautiful and 3 years my elder (17 to my 14).  Like many teenage girls at the time, she was a rocker and I was crushing big time on this lass.

Now, being a young music nerd back then, we had some things we could talk about. We became friends and semi-running buddies for a brief period while the fantasies played out in my mind. She had a car and did not mind hanging with a young long haired rebel with his finger on what was happening then, so it was a beneficial relationship for both of us, I suppose. During a road trip to DuBios, (somehow it was just the 2 of us) I attempted to get her into thrash, but she insisted on putting Aldo Nova's self titled tape into her tape deck. Turns out, Headbangers in DuBois really dug Aldo Nova... Who knew? I think they all dove '78 Ford Grenadas and smoked Marlboro Red's as well.

I have to admit, Aldo Nova was not exactly what I considered to be heavy, but it grew on me over the 2-1/2 hour road trip. Maybe I was just trying to play along, I really can't remember. Regardless, after the short relationship with this family was over (like ships passing in the night), I picked up Aldo's LP and kept it for many years. It was one of those things that was always around.

Fast forward a few years.... Erie did not always have a classic rock station. When Rocket 101 came on the air, I was exposed to the rock from the previous generation, and like so many, had to suffer through it's repetitive play-list during warehouse work hours. I must have heard Jefferson Starship's "Jane" 7,000 times in my blue collar days.

The question was in my head then, and still is today.... WTF. It's the same song!!!! I do not claim to know why, and the Internet had little to offer me today as I started looking into it. Aldo's tune is absolutely the better jam, but Jane came first.


If there was no lawsuit, I cant imagine why... George Harrison was sued by Motown for much less.

Sorry for wasting your time, NOT!!!

Mike is just a fanatsy, can you let this fanatsy lie?


  1. I like the Aldo version myself :)

  2. I so was just saying these two songs are identical. I do like Aldo's better but they definitely stole it.
