Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blogging season, Duck Season, Blogging Season, Duck Season, Duck Season, Blogging Season. BLAM!



Lets call this Blog a "Summer-y":

Before I get started with my heavy handed opinions mixed with the occasional nostalgia trip that you all hate (yet still read), I want to formally announce that I DO TAKE THE SUMMERS OFF!!!! That was for the 4 people that have inquired about the blog recently. Maybe it is strange of me to take a bloggers vacation each year, but my geek side is especially busy with the family, the garden, the dogs, outdoor activities and the usual work/travel schedule in the hot months of the year. Something has to give.

That is not to say I take a break from being a nerd. This summer I have read 2-1/2 books by Eric Larson, 1 by David McCullough, the new Neil Gaiman and I am actively trying to get started on understanding the insanity of Terry Prachett (a task that is proving extremely difficult).

Beyond that, I am actively writing music again, and after a long hiatus I am pleased to be working with my longtime collaborator, Louie Rice, on some overdue Metal material. It is good for my soul to be back at it. I always felt that we were not quite done yet, and had much more to say, so..... More to come on that later, but I am hopeful that a new LP will be in our not so distant future.

What else? Well, my broseph John Muroski and I have re-connect after years of non-communication, and I was very pleased to catch his (and Mike Russell's) killer band, The Tradesmen, last month here in Pittsburgh. They inspire the blue collar Erie-ite in me to no end. I am in awe of their greatness.

Musically, I found myself listening to new stuff by old bands this summer mostly, including the new Megadeth, the new Sabbath, Black Star Riders (aka the re-vamped Thin Lizzy), and Newsted. Ghost BC's latest LP has been in rotation, and (no matter how repetitive) I love the Sister Sin LP: Now and Forever (forgive me for not knowing about it when it was released late last year - I am not always up on the latest European music). It sounds like a modern take on early Crue with Mega-Countdown bridges. It's rad.

Lastly, the break in blogging brought with it new inspiration. Fall 2013 topics may include:
  • Self Help: 10 Easy steps to achieving Aerosmith hatred YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Franchising your old ass busted up band 
  • The over saturation of bogus Satanism in silly immature music (and why it's so cool).
  • Why Opeth is better than your favorite band
  • Two hated millionaire musical dishrags: Bob Rock and Desmond Child, a study in F- Major.

I leave this post with an apology for the break, but a promise that I am not disappeared. Here's to a great Autumn.

The lunatic, is in the blog...

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