Monday, February 2, 2015

A.D.H.D. and the Beatles. Pt IV

I've been thinking quite a bit about the fab 4 lately. Partially due to a hard earned category on Song Pop, partially because Paul is out doing press right now (and he was at the Super Bowl, the camera took the opportunity to show it) and partially because John poped up in my other blog last week.

Oh yeah, the SNL punchline "the Beatles ruined Yoko" had me lauging, and surprisingly enough, the news that Sam Smith is paying royalties to both Tom Petty and Jeff Lynn, who the latter was the only producer to work with the Beatles besides George Martin, also had me thinking about them.

I was in a class two weekends ago and the dude sitting next to me was geeking out to the Beatles, over my shoulder, as I was playing song pop. 

The Beatles are so cyclical in my life, especially when I have a ton of stuff going on. I guess it's supposed to be that way.

This is a real nowhere blog.



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