Monday, February 6, 2017

A singer in a smokey room...

This past weekend, I was reminded the power of song.

I love my life. I never know where I will end up on any given day. Last Friday, I found myself in State College at a Brantley Gilbert concert. Now, before anyone gets all butt hurt about my attendance, I ask you to go to a bro-country concert, and see if you don't walk away with the satisfaction of a great rock show. His band even launched into a medley that included Kashmir and Beautiful People (no lie). Also, I have been covering Bottoms Up for a few months now, and it's my favorite cover at the moment.

As interesting as that was, this blog has to circle back to a previous installment for some sweet vindication of another sort. Between acts, before the headliner (Brantley Gilbert), the soundmen had the intuition to play Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" over the PA.

The crowd responded by singing every word. My best guess on attendance is around 8,000. Next best guess is 70% of the floor was singing Journey. Maybe 1000 people? It was loud enough to give me goosebumps and make note of it.

The country night was an extreme about face in comparison to the art night at the Carnegie Library in Munhall last Wednesday. As promised, we went to see Post Modern Jukebox. The Carnegie in Munhall kind of blows as a venue. Worse than the shite seating was the Muppet who sat in front of me. I named him Q-Tip. Q-Tip was uncomfortably moving in and out of my personal space with no regard to his actual area assigned to him. I believe he may have been on pills or something.

Update: 08/23/2017.
I drafted this blog back in February, and just saw it again today. It made me laugh, so I'm gonna post it. No fan fare, just words in a q.


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