Tuesday, January 12, 2016

100th (sort of) Blog!

4 years and 100 Blogs later...

I look back at my own writing with a little humility. In the beginning, I sucked with words much worse than I do today. Now I am better, but still struggle with editing like a child learning how to ride a bike.

I used to spend countless hours researching like I was writing a thesis. I've learned over time Blogs write themselves, and the key to it is honesty. I still fact check, but this hobby is more to do with how I perceive the world versus how the world perceives my words.

It's a labor of love. I'm always surprised when people actually read my words. Especially when I dive into the obscure. 

I started this Blog off with a (since removed) VH article on how I prefer Sammy. I re-visited that topic later with less sarcasm, but it was VH that got me rolling. I then dove into KISS, and it was off to the races. I had caught the bug. 

Over the last 4 years, I have taken a few breaks. Some longer than others. It was those footprint moments when I needed carried, and couldn't focus much energy into creativity. We all have times when surviving is all we can do to survive. My breaks were due, I can assure you.

I also have many works that were fully developed, edited and ready. Unfortunately, after reading I decided for one reason or another not to post them. If the count seems off, there is the reason. I'm celebrating anyway. 100 times I dove into my inner nerd for your reading pleasure.

100 is a significant number. Ponder this rubbish: 

  • 100 days is around how long it takes to develop a habit, and approximately how log it takes to break one as well. 
  • 100 miles will take the average person 33-1/2 hours to walk without stopping.
  • Adults have a resting heart beat of around 100 beats per minute.
  • The Karman Line lies at an altitude of 100 Kilometers above Sea Level, and represents the boundary between Earths atmosphere and outer space.
  • In the summer of 1972, Vicki Lawrence's "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" debuted at #100 on the Billboard Charts. It reached #1 in April of the following year.
  • In Roman times, a unit of 100 soldiers was called a Century.
  • Sea Turtles can live 100 years or more.
  • 100 pennies cost $1.70 to manufacture.
  • 100 Pesos = $5.586 USD Today
  • According to Urban Dictionary, a Centurion is a game where the player takes 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes. 
  • 1 medium Banana contains about 100 Calories.
  • On September 14th, 2011, Wichita Falls TX became the first Texas city to log 100 days of 100+ Degree weather.
  • 100 years ago, the world was in the dregs of The Great War (WWI) which baptized the modern world in blood. 20 million souls were lost over 4 years. Today we barely even acknowledge it. It's overlooked due to the fanfare of WWII. The Great War ended after the final push from the Allies (The Hundred Days Offensive).

In honor of this milestone (and because I am a Billy Idol fan), I leave you with the following song by Generation X. Thank you for reading so far. Here's to 100 more.

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