Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Middle age gone wild.

In April of 2015, I wrote a blog calling out the Skid Row replacement singers. The root of it questioned why the band and Sebastian Bach won't reunite.

However, I made a rookie mistake. Two actually. I blatantly insulted the post-Bach singers, and I posted the blog to a popular Heavy Metal fan site.

The result was a backlash. I had haters telling me I was retarded. I had a huge fan of the (then) new singer tell me I was wrong in questioning the relevance of his beloved icon. I even got bashed by a guy that had Stonehenge as his profile background pic (can't make this stuff up) calling me a Monkey or some such thing. He was butt-hurt about my statement "they are leaving Motley Crüe money on the table." Which I still believe.

It's my own fault. I built up the original line-up by tearing down the (then) current line-up, and floated it out there in the worst forum possible. The backlash was Karma 101.

I should apologize, I'd love to say Skid Row proved me wrong. But they didn't, so I won't.

After 8 months in the band, Tony Harnell, (the home wrecker that forced the other irrelevant replacement singer, Jonny Solinger out) quit Skid Row.

Skid Row should be playing sheds in the summer, theaters in the winter and ushering in a new genre of baby bands that pay homage to them. Sebastian Bach is the voice of Skid Row, Skid Row is muse of Sebastian Bach. The sum is greater than the parts.

So... let me look into my crystal ball once again. A Bach less Skid Row will hire some other singer, and put out a bullshit press release regarding destiny and how they've never sounded better. They'll state musical differences and wish Tony the best. They will fill their live commitments and sludge along playing the Bobby Blotzer's Ratt Experience circut, headlining half filled 300 capacity standing room clubs above Bang Tango.


Get Bach back and get on the GnR Tour.

Given the history, I'd say the former, but I'm hopeful.

To my haters from 8 months ago, I'm smiling today. Go back to Stonehenge, asshat.

I leave you with one of my all time favorite Sebastian Bach quotes. After a failed 2014 attempt to get his former band to reunite with him, Bach made the following statement to the press regarding the reason Skid Row wouldn't play nice: "Nah, we're playing a bowling alley. We're happy. We don't care."


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